Five Random Websites

This Wednesday, I wanted to post an update video on the game I’m working on. I have made progress, but I don’t have anything to show yet. One of the things I made was sprites for an alternate outfit, but I have yet to put them in the game. It’s not as simple as, “ if want_different_outfit then put_it_on”.

I’ll do something else today. I’ll play with; a website that takes you to a random video, website, game or piece of art on the internet.

I’ll click the website button five times and talk about what I find. I want to give a link to every website in this post, so I’ll skip the ones with no visible title. Let’s begin.

Non-Stop Nyan Cat

It turns out that the original Nyan Cat video is 13 years old. It might as well be a boomer meme at this point.

Jokes aside, this is a pretty simple, but fun website. It plays Nyan Cat infinitely and tracks how long it has been going. Don’t worry, I haven’t been listening to if for ten minutes, there’s an option to turn the music off.

The one thing I don’t like is the NFT link. Can’t I enjoy the song without being reminded of those things? Out of morbid curiosity, I clicked on the link and one of the Nyan Cats you can buy is the cat inside a globe made for Earth Day. That’s right, you can celebrate Earth Day by destroying the environment. Let’s just move on to the next website.

Adult Swim- Character Soup

Another simple one. You click the button and you play with a liquid made up of various Adult Swim Characters. It’s less disgusting than it sound. You can splash the liquid around, make more of it and zoom in or out. It’s basically a virtual stim toy; perfect for autists with an internet addiction.


This one is another virtual toy. It’s a circle that you can either drag around or split into smaller circles. You can pull out a larger chunk by clicking closer to the center. The background color can be changed, but the default is easier on the eyes.

This reminds of the black slime toy I had as a kid. I once shoved a small piece of paper inside, thinking it would eventually dissolve and create more slime. I don’t know what I was thinking; that wouldn’t have been a toy, but a sci-fi monster.


This is the coolest one so far. WebRcade is a collection of fan-made games for older game systems. They’re emulated for the computer. I briefly tried a few of them and I thought they were pretty good, especially when you consider the limitations of the original hardware. As you can probably tell, one of my hobbies is making video games, so this is good motivation to keep going. I’ll definitely come back and check out more of those games.

Crazy Card Trick

This one gave me a chuckle. As you can see, it starts by making you pick a suit. Then it makes you choose between the left and the right direction (they just had to make it political). You get six cards to choose. Don’t click on it, just think about it. After clicking the button at the bottom, the website removes the card you thought about. At first I didn’t know how they did it, but I figured it out after a few tries. I won’t spoil it here.

This was a fun little journey. I left you the links so you can try these websites too. How do you like them? Should I do this again in the future?
