Comment Highlights 16

I’m running out of different ways to start this. I guess I can say that I fixed the issue I talked about last Wednesday. The dash panels do not interrupt each other anymore. I still don’t know what the conveyor belt game should look like, though. If you have any ideas, let me know.

Now that I got that out of the way, let’s begin.

Logo Line-up

2022 was the first year I changed my logo into a variety of pride flags for June. When the month ended, I posted all of the logo variants, just to preserve them on this site. One of the comments had this idea for next June.

Huh, what kind of message would I be sending if I posted the surrender flag on Pride Month?

“You win, corporations. Pride Month is yours now.”

Now that’s just depressing.

Comic 300: Sinner Squad

I talked about this comic a few weeks ago, but just in case you’re new here, I did the “my characters are deadly sins” cliche to celebrate 300 comics. Since ideas can manifest as people in my comic, one of the comments asked me this:

The other sins might count as ideas, but I’m not so sure about lust. Technically speaking, lust is an inborn urge. Humans need it in order to reproduce. Calling lust an idea is like calling hunger or thirst ideas.

Even if we use the “evil deeds motivated by sexual desire” definition, I probably won’t make humanoid versions of the seven deadly sins. Dozens of artists have already done that. It would be borderline impossible to do something new with the premise.

Comic 302: The Meaning of Madness

I drew a comic where Brad Joke annoys a semantician by asking him questions about semantics. Predictably, it lead to people in the comments asking me questions about semantics.

According to physics, heat is determined by how much the atoms of a particular entity vibrate and collide with each other. The absolute zero is when those atoms are completely still. Therefore, calling something more or less hot is more accurate than calling someting more or less cold.

It’s been over eight years since I last had a physics class and I’m still pedantic about it. There’s no fixing me.

Comic 317: One Hand Game

This is the comic where I gave the comic version of my brother longer hair and a beard. His new design is a bit cartoony, but it’s closer to what he actually looks like. One of the fans gave me this suggestion.

That reminds of the time when I just started college. I didn’t have this website yet. As a part of a gag, I drew a version of myself that had already finished college and he had a beard. Now that I actually finished it, I still didn’t grow one. I may have betrayed myself.

If you want to, I can show you the comic next Wednesday.

Comic 325: From Cheating to a Beating

In “The Missing Piece” story ark, Wanda has a fistfight with TX2. At the end, she’s covered in bruises, but they’re all gone several days later. Several weeks later in real life, I drew a standalone comic with Wanda and I got this comment.

What took you so long? You didn’t care when Wanda healed quickly within the story. Why are you brining it up a few weeks later?

I guess I should explain it, though. I utilize a bit of cartoon logic when I make comics, even when the characters are humans. They can get physically hurt, but they’re more durable than real life people.

And that’s it for today. I’m ending this list with another piece of information that you will remember better than me.
