Comment Highlights

Part of the fun of running a webcomic is reading the comments. I can feel appreciated, I can find out where I need to improve, I can laugh (a fair exchange), etc. Today I’m gonna highlight some comments I especially enjoyed. Keep in mind, this isn’t a top 5 list and this isn’t the only time I’m gonna do this. Also, I’m doing this chronologically for the sake of order. Let’s get started already:

Comic 4: The Most Timeless Joke

To give you some context, the joke is that people can call everyone outside of their generation an idiot and it will always be funny.

Example 1

It appears my comic wasn’t much of an exaggeration.

Comic 16: In a Nutshell

Example 2

I picked this one just because it showed me how much time flies. I only had 16 comics on this website when I first got this comment. Now it’s 72. Comic 106 isn’t so far away…

Comic 20: The Downside of Holidays

I made a comic where I fantasize about living in a bunker during the apocalypse, only for my brother to snap me back to reality. This guy disagrees, however.

Example 3

I swear, every show has fans that claim that the main character is in a coma, or that the main character is hallucinating everything. I guess even my comic isn’t safe.

Comic 23: Quell Your Quips

In this comic, I made a heart attack joke. Part of me was thinking, “You went too far this time, people are gonna be mad at you.” Turned out I was worried about nothing. In fact, one of the commenters made an even darker joke:

Example 4

Comic 30: Receiving Comments

Example 5

I got praise for representation in my comics… which was immediately followed by me getting roasted for my Valentine’s Day comic. Whatever keeps me humble, I guess.

That was fun. I’ll continue this the next time I have nothing else to post on Wednesday. If you were lost at any point, the search bar’s up there in the sidebar.
