Decisions, Decisions...

Over a year ago, I played five round of “Would You Rather” and shared my answers on this site. Now I’ll do it again. For those you don’t know, it’s a game where you’re presented with two scenarios and you have to pick the better (or the less bad) one. Here’s a link to the one I played. Heads up, there might be some gross or disturbing questions.

I’ve been having problems with my knees for a while. It hurts when I get up or walk too much. I choose “Have strong legs” because that might solve the problem.

By the way, don’t worry about me, I’m excercising and going to physical therapy.

“Fly with a dragon” sounds cool at first, but there are some issues with it. What if I can’t handle the strong winds and the cold? What if the dragon is shaped in a way that makes it hard to sit on it? “Swim with a mermaid” sould a lot safer. I just have to make sure I don’t go too far away from the shore. Or that she doesn’t turn into seafoam.

I pick the second one. The appeal of the first one is shallow and short-lived. There’s plenty of attractive celebrities that are still hated, so I don’t think good looks can make up for an insufferable personality.

The obvious joke to make is “I’m already unattractive”, but I have encountered people who thought I was cute, so I’d probably be selling myself short.

Oh boy, I’m gonna get hate, no matter which one I choose. I pick the second one because I value human life over animal life (yes, I’m biased). Also, puppies mature faster than babies, so they probably won’t get hurt as much.

Like I said before, I have knee issues, so a home gym would probably be a better choice for me. Besides, I only go to the cinema a few times a year. I like watching movies on the big screen, but not enough to pick the home cinema.

And that’s five. There wasn’t that many “bad thing vs bad thing” options this time. I’ll make one myself. Would you rather run through a crowded street with no clothes on or run through a bee farm with no clothes on? You won’t get arrested for doing either.
