SCP 41327: Freedom and Safety

Object class: Euclid

Description: 41327 refers to a pair of anomalous women: 41327-1 and 41327-2. Their properties are too similar for them to be listed as separate SCPs.

41327-1 refers to herself as Freedom. She has green hair and brown skin. Despite looking like she’s in her 20s, she claims to be older than history itself. Any attempt to extract DNA has failed; her age and ethnicity remain a mystery. 41327-2 refers to herself as Safety. While her hair can be described as blonde, a bit of green can be noticed upon closer inspection. Despite resembling a young European woman, her actual age and ethnicity are just as mysterious as the previous subject’s.

Both subjects have shown tremendous durability. They cannot be harmed by blunt force, sharp objects, extreme heat, extreme cold, corrosive substances, etc. While their hair and nails can be cut off, they can’t be pulled out. Poisons and drugs can have a temporary effect on their mental capacity, but they can’t cause physical damage. We don’t know if it’s possible for them to develop an addiction. The subjects are able to eat, drink and sleep, but they don’t require any of that to live. They’re physically stronger than they appear, but they can still be restrained the same way a regular human can. I theorize that their apparent invincibility means they don’t have to worry about straining their muscles, so they can output more force.

Even though the subjects sustained no injuries during testing, they still displayed pained reactions to the attempts to hurt them. One of the researchers present protested the experiments, claiming it was nothing more than torture. While I was explaining how it was necessary to figure out what can hurt them in case of a containment breach, 41327-2 showed physical signs of nausea. My excuses were the only thing that managed to physically hurt either of the two subjects. Further testing is required on this strange weakness.

Scanning the insides of the subjects’ bodies lead to some interesting discoveries. Instead of being light brown, their bones were pearly white. Their hearts were bright red and oddly shaped, like a stereotypical Valentine’s day heart. Plenty of other organs were either improperly shaped or in a wrong place, yet the subjects functioned normally. It’s as if somebody tried to recreate the human body, but only had basic knowledge about it. It would explain how they were still able to feel pain.

Recovery: The Foundation got reports of “embodiments of ideas” coming from Flicker City. The agents found the residence of the women matching the description. Four of them sneaked into their home to acquire them in their sleep. It didn’t go as smoothly as they expected. 41327-1 grabbed a gun and started shooting the agents in the arm while 41327-2 forced them away with a chair. The subjects made a run for it and the agents had to call for backup. It took two hours and fifteen agents to finally secure the subjects. 119 witnesses had to be given amnestics.

Special containment procedures: 41327-1 and 41327-2 are to be kept together in a standard humanoid containment cell. It has to be checked weekly for damage to the walls or the door. The subjects expressed a desire for food and entertainment. If an item can’t be used as a prison break tool, they can have it. A level 2 researcher or higher is to check every item before it enters the subjects’ cell. 41327-1 and 41327-2 are not to be placed in separate cells; doing so will worsen their tempers, making their escape attempts more frequent.

You might be wondering, why are we trying to appease those two? They’re still trying to escape and, to be honest, we’ve given them plenty of reasons to. The thing is, the subjects’ abilities would make them invaluable in the containment of anomalies. Despite our treatment of them and their attempts at escape, they’ve never tried to kill a member of the Foundation. We have no reason to doubt their moral compass. If we can make them realize that everything we do is for the greater good, no matter how cruel it may seem, we’d have two invincible soldiers on our side. The sooner, the better; we have reasons to believe there’s other anomalies in Flicker City.

Dr. Zero

Alright, I’m done role-playing. As I’ve said before, I’m a fan of the SCP Foundation, so I thought it would be fun to describe two of my characters in the form of a fake SCP article. Everything in this article takes place in an alternate reality where Flicker City and the Foundation coexist. I don’t know how good this is by SCP standards, but I hope you enjoyed it.

P. S. I know that the structure of my article is out of order, but in my defense, wouldn’t it make more sense to put the containment procedures after the description? It gives them more context that way.
