I Released the Demo

For the longest time, my inability to come up with a good title kept me from publishing the demo of my game. Eventually, I thought, “Screw it, I’ll just put a placeholder title.” The real title will come to me sooner or later. Before I give you the link, I want to talk about the changes I’ve made. Like I said before, I added music and the ability to pause. Spearshield Spaceship and Punch Code were action-oriented, so they’re filled with energetic music. Maze Temple is a puzzle game, so I want the music to be more calm and subtle.

The next change I made is to the conveyor belts:

When I showed the game to my dad and his girlfriend, they liked it, but they also complained about the conveyor belts being an eyesore. I decided to redesign them. The colors are more muted and transparent. The conveyor belts themselves are comprised of fewer arrows. Hopefully, they’re easier on the eyes. As a side note, I changed the color of the goal panel again. I realized that I didn’t like the blue one. I know, I’m changing it a lot.

Lastly, I added some sound effects. Anne Cap now makes a noise when she walks or steps on a springboard. I don’t know if I want the conveyor belts to make a noise when you ride them. What kind of sound would an enchanted floor even make?

I’ve talked long enough. Here the link to the demo for you to try out. Do you like it? If there’s any issue with the graphics, controls, game design, etc, let me know and I’ll fix it.
