Fanart: The Comments Celebrate

I got some more fanart that celebrated my 500th comic. This time, I’m posting them one by one because the first one might not be readable if I shrink it. It’s a poem from Fans:

I’m guessing they wrote this because I said poems are some of my favorite pieces of fanart. I don’t see that many content creators share poems made by their fans, so they do make me feel special. I do enjoy other kind of fanart, though. Don’t limit yourselves.

The next piece of fanart is made by Bellamy:

According to Bellamy, the butterflies were a deliberate choice; they symbolize our ability to undergo significant life changes and renew ourselves. Now that I think about it, I could’ve also used butterflies for the Pride Month logo. They’re a symbol of transgenderism. I already have an idea for the next year.

You can send me fanart through Twitter or Instagram. If you wish to post it on another site, comment on my website with a link to it. I read every comment.
