Change of Schedule?

When I first started “Whatever Wednesday”, I just wanted it to be a time slot for me to give you updates, share fanart or just make low-effort posts. I don’t have high standards for Wednesday posts, but I do want them to at least be varied.

It sounds like a total first world problem, but the amount of fanart I’ve been getting recently is making it hard for me to reach that standard. I like receiving fanart and I do want to post all of it on this website, but I fear that Whatever Wednesday will get boring if I post nothing but fanart every week.

I do have a few solution in mind, though. One of them is setting aside a special day (likely Sunday) to share your fanart. I would post one or two pieces of it every week, so there’s less of a chance of it running out. If a reader is tired of watching other people’s fanart, they can just not visit my website on that day.

I do see some flaws with that solution, though. While the chance of backlog running out would be low, it wouldn’t be zero. I can’t assume the stream would always be the same. The absolute lack of fanart on Wednesday would make it harder for me to come up with a new post every week. You artists are my safety net (thank you).

The other solution is to just stockpile pieces of fanart throughout the month and share them all at once on the last Wednesday of it. I’d have at least one week of the month where I wouldn’t have to think of something new to post.

However, if this solution was flawless, I wouldn’t be making this post. I’m not sure if you artists would be willing to share the spotlight with so many other artists at once. Your five minutes of fame would get a bit diluted and readers could end up skimming the list if it was too long.

I think that’s all the thoughts I have on the subject. Which solution do you like the best? Is there a third option I’m missing? Either way, it would be nice to start the new year by shaking up the status quo.
