The Thanos Story Ark

It’s been a while since I’ve shared my embarrasing pre-Dim & Bright comics. I drew several comics around the time that Infinity War and Endgame were playing and I figured, they’re interesting enough to share. The first one has nothing to do with Avengers, but it’ll be important later.

According to this comic, my self insert is powerful enough to break reality itself. I don’t know if I should make that canon or not. A while later, I drew a comic where he gets turned to dust by Thanos.

In 2019, I was still in my “Bright Side needs to appear in every comic” phase, so this was immediately undone. Double Tap had a standoff with Thanos.

Why did picking a “-1” shade of black destroy only the stones and not reality itself? I have no idea. After this comic, Bright Side continued to appear regularly. When Endgame came out, I decided to show Bright Side coming back.

I don’t like a lot of my older comics, but I still want my remains to be placed inside a paint bucket when I die. If the creator of Pringles can have his ashes placed in a Pringles can, I can have my ashes placed in a paint bucket.

Anyway, we don’t have to worry about Thanos. Him and his army are a pile of dust now. You still have to worry about me and my brother, though.