Return to the Platforms

It’s been a while since I talked about my games. That’s because I started working on a new one. And this one has a connection to my webcomic. An evil robotics company called “Botface” kidnapped TX2 and now Wanda has to get her robot back. She’ll have to go through an army of Botface’s products. Good thing she’s a one woman army.

That’s the story of the game. As for the gameplay, it’s a standard platformer with a twist. Since Wanda is a programmer, you have four different ways to “hack” the game and empower yourself, but doing it too much with break the game and kill you.

This is a demo, so there’s obviously a lot of things to add (such as music and sound effects) and a lot of things to fix. I’d like you to try it out and tell me what you think. Does it feel good to play? Are all the abilities useful and balanced? Is there a glitch I need to patch up? It’s all valuable information.