Comment Highlights
Part of the fun of running a webcomic is reading the comments. I can feel appreciated, I can find out where I need to improve, I can laugh (a fair exchange), etc. Today I’m gonna highlight some comments I especially enjoyed. Keep in mind, this isn’t a top 5 list and this isn’t the only time I’m gonna do this. Also, I’m doing this chronologically for the sake of order. Let’s get started already:
Comic 4: The Most Timeless Joke
To give you some context, the joke is that people can call everyone outside of their generation an idiot and it will always be funny.
It appears my comic wasn’t much of an exaggeration.
Comic 16: In a Nutshell
I picked this one just because it showed me how much time flies. I only had 16 comics on this website when I first got this comment. Now it’s 72. Comic 106 isn’t so far away…
Comic 20: The Downside of Holidays
I made a comic where I fantasize about living in a bunker during the apocalypse, only for my brother to snap me back to reality. This guy disagrees, however.
I swear, every show has fans that claim that the main character is in a coma, or that the main character is hallucinating everything. I guess even my comic isn’t safe.
Comic 23: Quell Your Quips
In this comic, I made a heart attack joke. Part of me was thinking, “You went too far this time, people are gonna be mad at you.” Turned out I was worried about nothing. In fact, one of the commenters made an even darker joke:
Comic 30: Receiving Comments
I got praise for representation in my comics… which was immediately followed by me getting roasted for my Valentine’s Day comic. Whatever keeps me humble, I guess.
That was fun. I’ll continue this the next time I have nothing else to post on Wednesday. If you were lost at any point, the search bar’s up there in the sidebar.