ChatGPT Describes Dim & Bright

Welcome to another episode of “Bright Side uses AI as a toy”. Say what you want about AI, but at least it gives me something to do on wednesdays. Anyway, here’s the first thing I told ChatGPT to do:

Well, it got some things right. My self insert does have a roomate (my brother) that he occasionally butts heads with. Although, it’s not the main focus of the webcomic. Dim & Bright is also more focused on telling jokes than teaching morals. Next up, I asked about the first video game I made and published.

At this point, it’s obvious that ChatGPT is like a student that doesn’t know the answer to a question, so they just make something up, hoping to get it right. Rhythm-based platformers already exist, so I can see where ChatGPT is coming from. One thing I don’t understand is the “fictional indie game studio” part. How can a fictional studio create a game? Even a game within a game need actual people to exist.

After “Light on My Feet”, I tried the other two games.

Now this is an interesting result. ChatGPT was able to come up with something for the last game, but it was completely stumped for this one. My theory is, “spearshield” is a relatively obscure term, so it confused the AI. Last on the list is my most recent game:

Huh, that’s actually a really good idea for a video game. If it doesn’t already exist, someone should make it. Before you point fingers at me, my only educaction is watching Game Maker tutorials. I’d like somebody who actually studied programming to make a game like this.

And that’s it for today. Even if ChatGPT didn’t get any of the answers right, it was still fun seeing what it can come up with. Who knows, maybe one day, my art will become so well-known, ChatGPT will recognize it.
