So Many Questions, So Few Answers

This week, I wanted to share how many visits I got from each country (it’s been around six months), but Google Analytics isn’t cooperating. Hopefully I’ll figure it out by next week. I’ll use Squarespace’s analytics if I can’t.

Another important update is that I’ve finished all the tasks I have for college. I’m a gradute! Technically speaking, my status as a student ends at the end of September, but I’m basically done. My mom and aunt want us to go on vacation in September, so it will still be a few months before I get a full-time job. I’d say I earned a break.

Now that I got all that out of the way, it’s time for you to ask me questions. Perhaps you want me to go more in detail about what I said or you have questions about something else entirely. I’ll answer the first 10 questions I get before noon (in Croatia) and the first 10 questions I get afterwards. I’ll try to say “I don’t know” as little as possible.