Comment Highlights 12

If you’re tired of me talking about my game for the last three Wednesdays, this is your lucky day. It’s time to highlight more comments I found interesting, but didn’t reply to for one reason or another.

Comic 246: Nothing in My Sails

I made a comic about a phone that’s powered exclusively by wind. One of the comments had another idea:

A sun-powered charger might be a good idea, but a phone? Depends on whether you can use it with oven mitts.

Comic 248: When You Wish upon a Bright Side

Now that I think about it, I do have a habit of making absurdly powerful characters that do nothing but mess around. Then again, that’s common in cartoons. Bugs Bunny is not someone to mess with.

Comic 249: The One Behind It All

If authors are parents and characters are children, then most authors are either abusive or neglectful. In our defense, would you want a story where a character is always happy and nothing ever goes wrong for them? Sounds boring as hell.

Comic 253: Make Me Feel Light Headed

Well, that’s a good idea for an SCP. Imagine this: a sentient meteor, black hole or some other giant body in space has a crush on planet Earth. The Foundation has to convince them to leave Earth alone. It would be both funny and scary.

Dim & Bright Alingment Chart

Last year, I put my characters in a D&D alignment chart (it’s not completely accurate anymore). One of the comments asked me:

If I remember correctly, even D&D instructions say that alignment charts aren’t etched in stone. You’re not playing badly if your character deviates from their slot occasionally.

That’s all I have for today. It was relatively easy to find five comments this time. It’s a success for all of us.