Dim & Bright

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Joke Cop's Debut

One of my regrets when it comes to this site is that Joke Cop didn’t get much of an introduction. This is his first comic on Dim & Bright:

The first Captain Marvel movie is five years old. I wonder if people still get this joke.

When this webcomic started out, there wasn’t as much focus on the various characters. Almost every comic was about my self-insert. Nevertheless, I did have a better introduction for him. This is a comic I drew several months before starting this website:

Yeah, even in 2019, I thought the attack helicopter joke was overused. While the comic itself doesn’t look good (for example, the proportions are terrible), it does a good job explaining what the Joke Cop is about and why my self-insert is working for him.

Fun fact, Bobby was the first non-white character I put in my comics. That’s why he’s so plain looking compared to the more recent characters. For a while, he stood out because he was a racial minority. It’s all a part of my artistic journey, I guess.