Double Tap's Many Outfits
Christmas is coming soon, which means it’s time for me to draw Christmas comics. I figured it’s a good time to talk about the winter outfits I gave to Double Tap, the comic version of my brother. A few years before I started my website, I thought it would be funny if my outfit resembled Santa and his resembled an elf:
It’s such a weird feeling when your younger brother outgrows you…
Anyway, I decided to add onto the joke next December. I thought, if I have a Santa outfit, he should have a Saint Nicholas outfit:
These old comics are offensive to my eyes, so I guess Double Tap was right.
Last year, I got an idea for another comic that required Double Tap to dress up for winter. I thought the Saint Nicholas outfit was too on the nose, so I decided to change it again. This time I used the Ice Climbers as an inspiration. I hope you know that game:
On my website, this is Comic 235; a lot of you have already read it. I wanted to save you a click, though.
And that’s the end of that journey. I hope it was interesting. Next monday, I’ll start posting new Christmas comics. There will be four in total. I believe that’s a good number; enough to properly celebrate the holiday, but not so much that you get sick of it.