Comment Highlights 11

It’s been almost five months since the last time I did this. That’s good; I’m not running out of things to do on Wednesdays. Anyway, it’s time to check out a few interesting comments I’ve gotten, continuing from where I left off.

Comic 220: Don’t Suit Yourself

Yeah, I make these “Comment Highlights” posts the same way. I have no idea what it’s gonna look like when I start writing and searching.

Comic 224: Welcome to Ancapistan

I made a comic where an anarcho-capitalist became a mayor. Her first act was to abolish all taxation and government provided services, including the fire department. Several comments, such as this one, were defending her:

Fun fact, before the War of Independence, “Yankee Doodle Donkey” was sung by the British to make fun of Americans. Later on, Americans started singing it as a patriotic song.

Considering the fact that most of my readers are from the USA, I shouldn’t be surprised by the comments I got. Never change, Yankees. :)

Comic 234: Kinderkrieg

In this one, several characters answer the question, “How many five year olds could you take in a fight?” A few comments wanted to know more:

Well, I’d probably get overconfident and choose to fight a small army. Double Tap would just challenge the kids to a game of Smash Bros. The question never specified what kind of fight it is.

Comic 237: Like a Painkiller

Right before the Christmas of 2021, Hope tried to give the people some words of encouragement. One of the commenters asked:

Yes, she does. Hope and Freedom often argue about religion and Safety can’t always calm them down. You know the phrase “opposites attract”? Well, similarities can repel each other.

Comic 245: Collective Chaos

This comic wasn’t really attacking or defending socialism, it was mostly pointing out how people can’t agree on its definition. One of the definitions in the comments was this:

Huh… I am economically left wing, but I can’t stand socialists who defend dictators. You’re supposed to stand up for the little guy, not the big guy!

And that’s it for today. All jokes aside, I don’t care if you prefer capitalism, socialism, or some third system. I know most of us want the best for the community. See you next time!