Comment Highlights 9

Yeah, whenever I do a QnA, comment highlights aren’t far behind. I guess it takes a while for the “Whatever Wednesday” inspiration to come back. Let’s just look at some interesting comments I got:

Comic 183: A Pious Player

If Pastafarianism is a parody religion, its followers with probably end up in a parody of heaven. Comedies are pleasant for the viewer, but no so much for the people inside them.

All in all, a perfect ending for Brad Joke. Let’s see how he likes it!

Comic 185: Fight or Fright

For this comic, I made a one-off character called “Blight Side”, a costumed weirdo who wanted to infect trees. I got several comments such as:

Guys, I’m not Blight Side! Why would I want to kill trees? I need paper to draw comics.

Okay, that does require killing trees, but responsible loggers replant them.

Comment Highlights 5

Yes, I’m highlighting a comment from a “Comment Highlight” post. We’ve reached the highest level.

Be careful what you wish for. Dads are notoriously bad at comedy.

Then again, one of the webcomics that I like is “Litterbox Comic”. The author is a mom who draws comics about her family. If I ever become a parent, it might just make my comics better.

Making Asses of Ourselves

So far, I’ve seen people get horny for my self-insert, Silver Lining, Bobby Fuzz, Tamashii and her mother. I’m not going out of my way to make my characters attractive, but it’s still amusing when it happens.

Comic 205: Artificial Insecurity, Part 10

About a year ago, I drew a comic where I helped save my brother’s life. One of the comments was surprised by the last page.

When it comes to the future, there’s plenty of things I’m uncertain about, but I know that, even if we live to be 100, me and my brother will still find pointless crap to argue about. Isn’t that comforting?