I'm Giving Disqus a Chance

As you may have noticed, my website’s been having problems with the comment section. Every now and then, all the comments will show the same username. I talked to one of the employees and he didn’t find anything wrong. He even left a comment normally. Of course it only starts working when I show somebody…

Not all was lost, however. He told me about Disqus, a program that would replace my comment section with a more advanced one. Supposedly, it comes with additional features, such as enabling longer conversations and posting pictures as comments. I’m sure I’ll learn more about it as I keep using it.

Just to let you know, I picked the free version because I’m still not making money from this site. There’s gonna be some ads you’ll have to go through (they gotta make their money somehow). If this new comment section ends up being a detriment to me or you, I’ll go back to the old one. Or find a third option. I gotta look for open windows.