September Schedule

I once said in the comment section that I would have to find a job this summer to pay an annual fee for this website. Well, I’m over halfway done with my summer vacation and I didn’t have much luck finding a job. I’ve only had a few odd jobs so far: one day of working in a storage, a few days of cleaning an apartment building, etc.

On the bright side, I had more time to draw my comics. I’ve drawn so many that I have a “supply” for the next few weeks. I decided to post them more often in September. You can expect one every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. “Whatever Wednesday” will be pushed to Sunday (doesn’t sound as good, but what can you do). I’ll also post them on other sites more often. Next month, I’ll get more views and you’ll get more comics: it’s a win-win.

P. S. Don’t worry about me losing this website. I have enough money for one more year. I’m looking for a job because I want to keep this going for many years and I don’t know how long it will take for this website to become profitable. Also, my parents said that they will pay the annual fee if I ever run out of money. I’d rather pay the annaul fee myself, but that’s still nice of them.