Fun With Demographics

One of the things Squarepace lets me do is track the traffic on my website. For example, I know that it got 151 pageviews this Monday. Then again, the number of “Unique visitors” is shown to be 11, even though I got over 30 comments that day. The system isn’t perfect.

One of most fun thing I can do is open the map of the world and see how many visits I got from each country. Here’s what the map looks like when counting the visits from the beginning of the year up to yesterday. The darker the shade, the more visits I got from that country:


Here’s all the countries I got more than 1 visit from:

Croatia: 799

United States: 92

Germany: 26

Ireland: 8

Australia: 6

United Kingdom: 6

Malaysia: 5

Canada: 4

Czech Republic: 4

Hungary: 4

Philippines: 3

Sweden: 3

Austria: 2

France: 2

Japan: 2

Netherlands: 2

Romania: 2

And this is only 6 months on a very young website. The internet’s really good at bringing people from many parts of the world together. Think about that the next time you’re messing with one another in the comments.